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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mistakes in Business Card Design

No doubt having business card is must for all, either a big business house or just an employee. An effective business card not only captures attention but also inspires people to know more about you and what you offer. So, all this increase the importance of business card design. Though we always read and hear about the important elements of business card design and even ways to improve business card design. But today i would like to put the most common mistakes made while designing business cards.
Miniature prints: Miniature print makes the card receiver unable to trace out whats printed on the card. This results in going of the business card into trash. This is really important that your business card print should be good size. Make sure your name, address and phone number should be in readable mode. As people are not going to spend so much of time and go through things.
Physical address: This is what you can never skip. Even though you have put up your contact address and website address or even email address. But physical address is must. So, make sure you always add your physical address to your business card.
Texture : Most people try to make their business card unique by using different texture. The concept behind this is to make the touch and feel good. But sometimes this create problem, like plastic touch business card makes it difficult to write something on it. Sometimes you need to give some extra information to the person you are giving your business card. But because of the texture you are unable to write anything.
Blank back: The important aspect is to make maximum use of your business card, don't leave your business cards back blank. Try put some message or just a map, make it more useful.

Hope you find this information interesting and helpful. And you are able to create a good business card using business card software.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your useful Information. I hope many would be benefited with this Post. I have an excellent Business card with me. It was designed awfully by Business Card Ninjas
